Consultation and appointments
Making an appointment
Please phone for an appointment on 07415 321 583.
This is a confidential line and your call will be returned promptly. This phone call is a chance for a free 15 minute discussion of what you are looking for and to decide whether the service I offer is appropriate for your needs.
Following this conversation clients are offered an initial consultation. This consultation appointment will give you a chance to speak with the therapist, to help to define what the issues are, and decide whether therapy is the right course of action for you at this time. If, together with the therapist, you decide to proceed, you will be offered a series of mutually agreed appointments.
Planning your therapy
I offer a choice of timescales that include short, longer term and intensives so we can work with your individual needs. All arrangements can be adjusted or extended.
Short and medium term therapy
Sometimes people want a focussed series of sessions over a short or medium term. This can be especially helpful if you are facing a particular dilemma or problem that you feel stuck with. Generally a series of between twelve and twenty four sessions can be helpful when wishing to focus on a specific problem.
Longer term therapy
At other times people have more deeply rooted issues and would like a longer term or open- ended arrangement. People entering therapy often recognise their own need for support over a more substantial period of time. This is quite usual and can be discussed in more detail with the therapist at the consultation appointment.
Intensive EMDR therapy For some people an intensive series of EMDR sessions is particularly appropriate. Intensive EMDR therapy can be helpful when there is limited time available due to demands such as work, living abroad, childcare, or, when a client wishes to address an issue within a focussed timeframe. Intensive therapy is not suitable for everyone. It usually involves meeting for extended sessions or increasing the frequency of sessions. Your specific needs, and the most beneficial therapy options can be discussed fully at the consultation.