Identity issues
"Each person is unique and so are the problems that they have to deal with."At The Therapy Practice our approach to Psychotherapy and Counselling recognises that for many people, questions of belonging, identity and culture are at the forefront of their experiences of the world. Identity; the way we see and think and feel about ourselves, is at the very centre of how we then view and perceive the world around us.
For some this can be about fulfilling the expectations placed upon us by family and society. It may involve questions of sexuality, race , culture, biology, gender or status. For others it is a question of understanding who we are and where we belong in an increasingly complex world. Our cultural and social background can play an enormous part in how we feel about ourselves, and at times, how others see us. Exploring ideas about who we genuinely are, and how we wish to live our life can, ultimately be a transformative experience.
The Therapy Practice embraces these complex issues and recognises that social ideas, identity and culture play an important part in helping to shape all our lives.
"Everyone has a culture. Through our background, our community, or our individual experiences, we all wonder how the world works and where we fit into it."